Autoimmune Disease Management

Managing immunity through diet and lifestyle.

Autoimmune diseases are a group of complex and chronic medical conditions where the immune system, which is designed to protect the body from harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses, mistakenly attacks its own cells, tissues, and organs. This immune system malfunction results in inflammation and damage to various parts of the body. 

Generally speaking, immunity is seen as a collective term; infection, inflammation, and degeneration are all classified as immune system problems. If ginger and honey may help your immunity against colds, but it may worsen herpes inflammation. This variation is frequently overlooked because most people try diets for immunity on their own without any validation, and everyone follows any information about immunity blindly.


Autoimmune disease and Ayurveda 

In Ayurveda, the human body is composed of seven fundamental functional units known as "Sapta Dhatus." These Dhatus are the building blocks of the body and play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being.  these seven Dhatus are interconnected and rely on each other for proper functioning. If there is any inflammation in these tissue ( pitha disturbance ) leads to autoimmune disease.

Rasa Dhatu, also known as lymph or plasma, is the first Dhatu and is associated with the lymphatic and plasma systems. It is the main byproduct of digestion and gives the body nourishment. The formation of all other Dhatus begins with Rasa.

Diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease, type 1 diabetes, etc. are brought on by inflammation in the rasa dhatu. 

Rakta Dhatu: The second Dhatu, representing blood and lymphatic circulation, is Rakta. It distributes nutrients, oxygen, and life-giving energy throughout the body. All of the body's cells receive their nourishment from Rakta. Vasculitis, psoriasis, and lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) are caused by inflammation of blood tissue.

Mamsa Dhatu, also known as muscle tissue: Mamsa is comparable to muscle tissue. It is in charge of the body's mobility and stability. Diseases such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), myasthenia gravis, scleroderma, and Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) may develop if there is inflammation in the GI tract muscles.

Adipose tissue, or Meda Dhatu: Meda is the equivalent of fat. It gives the body insulation and stores energy. An example of inflammation in fat tissue is panniculitis. 

Asthi Dhatu, or Bone Tissue: Asthi is can be represented as bone tissue and is in charge of the body's structural integrity. osteomyelitis and rheumatoid arthritis are examples.

Majja Dhatu (Nervous Tissue and Bone Marrow): Majja is can be seen as nerve tissue and bone marrow. . Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, myasthenia gravis, and multiple sclerosis (MS) are examples of diseases in this tissue.

Shukra dhathu: which stands for the reproductive tissue, is the final Dhatu. It is necessary for the reproductive system to operate correctly and for the lineage to continue. Addison's illness, and many hormonal disorders all can be seen as ailments in the Sukra dhathu. 

Steps for our Online Ayurvedic Consultations:

1. Initial Assessment: You will fill out a thorough health questionnaire in advance of your consultation to provide vital details about your past medical history, present health issues, dietary preferences, and way of life.

2. Customised Advice: We will examine your unique constitution (Prakriti) and any imbalances (Vikriti) during the consultation. You'll get dietary and lifestyle suggestions that are specific to your requirements.

3. Holistic Approach: To help you regain equilibrium and enhance your overall health, we will investigate the underlying causes of your metabolic disorder and offer advice on nutrition, physical activity, stress reduction, and Ayurvedic herbs.

4. Follow-up Support: To track your progress and modify your treatment plan as needed, we provide follow-up consultations.

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